Use these organic and natural methods to make healthy garden soil from
common dirt.

Starting to build a new garden isn’t difficult. Most people begin by
going out into their yards with a shovel or garden tiller, digging up
the dirt and putting in a few plants. Following the organic and natural
methods, add a little mulch or compost, and you’re well on your way to
make good soil for your homegrown vegetables. But in the long run, the
success of your garden depends on making healthy garden soil. The more
you can do to keep your soil healthy, the more productive your garden
will be and the higher the quality of your crops.

In the last issue, I discussed the value of soil care methods that imitate
natural soil communities. These include protecting soil structure, feeding
the soil with nutrients from natural and local sources, and increasing the
diversity and numbers of the microbes and other organisms that live in the

In this article, I’ll focus on specific ways to achieve these goals. There
are many ways to do this, but they all revolve around two basic concepts:
For more fertile soil, you need to increase organic matter and mineral
availability, and whenever possible, you should avoid tilling the soil and
leave its structure undisturbed.

Add Organic Matter

For the best soil, sources of organic matter should be as diverse as possible.


1. Add manures for nitrogen.

All livestock manures can be valuable additions to soil — their nutrients are
readily available to soil organisms and plants. In fact, manures make a greater
contribution to soil aggregation than composts, which have already mostly

You should apply manure with care. Although pathogens are less likely to be found
in manures from homesteads and small farms than those from large confinement
livestock operations, you should allow three months between application and harvest
of root crops or leafy vegetables such as lettuce and spinach to guard against
contamination. (Tall crops such as corn and trellised tomatoes shouldn’t be prone
to contamination.)

However, because some nutrients from manures are so readily available, they are more
likely to leach out of the soil (where they’re needed) into groundwater and streams
(where they’re pollutants). Also, if manures are overused, they can provide excess
amounts of some nutrients, especially phosphorus. Because of this, it may be best to
restrict fresh manures to heavy feeding, fast-growing crops like corn, and process
additional manure by composting.

When thinking of manure, it’s worth considering our own. Flushing “humanure” away
disrupts aquatic ecosystems, and represents a net loss of potential fertility from
agricultural soils. On the other hand, human manure requires cautious management
to avoid spreading disease. I recommend Joe Jenkins’ The Humanure Handbook, the
bible on this subject.


2. Try composting.

Composting is a means of recycling almost any organic wastes. It reduces the bulk of
organic materials, stabilizes their more volatile and soluble nutrients, and speeds
up the formation of soil humus.

Regular applications of modest amounts of compost — one-quarter inch per season will
provide slow-release nutrients, which will dramatically improve your soil’s water
retention and help suppress disease. Classic composting is relatively simple (for more
about how to do it, see “Start a Compost Pile,” below), but it can be labor intensive
if you try to do it on a large scale. The older I get, the more interested I am in an
easier alternative. Fortunately, I’ve found two.

One is “sheet composting.” In classic composting, you build tall piles in bins,
alternating layers of fresh, high-nitrogen “greens,” such as grass clippings,
with high-carbon, difficult to break down “browns,” such as dry leaves. Instead,
you can keep these two compost materials separate, and apply them in two layers
directly to the garden bed.

The moist, volatile, high-nitrogen “greens” go down first, in direct contact with
the soil and the microbial populations ready to feed on them, while the drier,
coarser, high-carbon “browns” are used as a cover to keep the first layer from
drying out or losing its more volatile elements to the atmosphere.

The second alternative is vermicomposting: using earthworms to convert nutrient-dense
materials, such as manures, food wastes and green crop residues, into forms usable by

Earthworm castings are a major part of my fertility program. I started vermicomposting
with a 3-by-4 foot worm bin. Then last year, I converted the center of my greenhouse
to a 4-by-40 foot series of bins, 16 inches deep. My worms process horse manure by the
pickup load from a neighbor. Not only do the worm castings feed plant roots, they carry
a huge load of beneficial microbes that boost the soil organism community.

3. Tap chicken power to mix
organic materials into the soil.

Typically, I use electric net fencing to manage my chickens, rotating them from place to
place on pasture. When needed, however, I “park” them on one of my garden spaces. I dump
whatever organic materials I have handy in piles, and the chickens happily do what they
love best — scratch ceaselessly through that material, looking for interesting things to
eat. In the process, they shred it and incorporate it into the top couple inches of soil,
the zone of most intense biological activity. Their droppings are scratched in as well,
and they give a big boost to the soil microbes.


4.“Mine” soil nutrients
with deep rooted plants.

As I explained in the previous article, when you first start gardening, it may be
necessary to use rock powders, and other slow-release sources of minerals, to
correct mineral deficiencies in the soil. In the long run, however, you can supply
minerals without purchasing inputs. The organic materials we add to our soil supply
most of the minerals healthy crops need. In addition, we plant “fertility patches”
to grow a lot of our own mineral supplements.

These fertility patches include plants that function as “dynamic accumulators.” That
is, their roots grow deep, and “mine” mineral reserves from the deeper layers of
subsoil, where it has weathered out of the parent rock. The roots of comfrey, for
instance, can grow 8 to 10 feet into the subsoil. Stinging nettle is another extremely
useful dynamic accumulator. Both nettle and comfrey, in addition to high mineral content,
are high in nitrogen. They make excellent additions to a compost heap or can be used as

If you have some pasture, think of it as a fertility patch par excellence. When growth
is fast and lush in the spring, you should be able to take one or two cuttings, perhaps
even more, for use in composting or as mulches. If you don’t have a pasture, consider
using parts of your lawn instead. I overseed my lawns each fall with the same sort of
grass/clover mix I use on the pasture. In the spring, I allow some areas to grow about
8 or 10 inches before cutting it with the scythe and using it for fertility applications

A final thought about fertility patches: Many gardeners are a bit paranoid about “weeds,”
but some weeds are deep rooted, and can be used like comfrey as dynamic accumulators to
bring minerals up from the deep subsoil. An example is yellow dock (Rumex crispus). Why
not allow some yellow dock to grow here and there, in edges and corners where it is not
in the way? When the plants start to make seed heads, cut them off just above the crown
to prevent huge numbers of seeds from blowing loose in the garden, then use the plants
in mulches or composts.


5. Plant cover crops.

Growing cover crops is perhaps the most valuable strategy we can adopt to feed our soil,
build up its fertility and improve its structure with each passing season. Freshly killed
cover crops provide readily available nutrients for our soil microbe friends and hence for
food crop plants. Plus, the channels opened up by the decaying roots of cover crops permit
oxygen and water to penetrate the soil.

Legumes (clovers, alfalfa, beans and peas) are especially valuable cover crops, because
they fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into forms available to crop plants. Mixes of
different cover crops are often beneficial. For example, in mixes of grasses and clovers,
the grasses add a large amount of biomass and improve soil structure because of the size
and complexity of their root systems, and the legumes add nitrogen to help break down the
relatively carbon-rich grass roots quickly.

Try to work cover crops into your cropping plans with the same deliberation that you bring
to food crops. The easy way to do so is to maintain two separate garden spaces: Plant one
to food crops and one to cover crops, then alternate the two crops in the following year.
But most gardeners cannot devote that much space to such a strategy, so effective cover
cropping must be fitted into a unified garden plan, a concept that in practice can get
fiendishly complex. Gardeners who like jigsaw puzzles will love the challenges.

There are cover crops that work best for each of the four seasons, and for almost any
cropping strategy.

Fine Alternatives to Tillage

In last issue’s article, “Build Better Garden Soil,” I discussed ways excessive tillage

is detrimental to soil life and contributes to greenhouse gases. Proper soil care reduces
the need for tillage. Nurturing soil life by constantly introducing organic matter helps
keep a loose and open soil structure. Protect that improved structure by keeping the soil
covered at all times. Repeat after me: “No bare soil!”


6. Cover the soil with mulch.

An obvious way to keep the soil covered is to use organic mulches. Some people advise
against using high-carbon materials such as straw or leaves, since soil microbes “rob”
available nitrogen from the soil in order to break down the excess amounts of carbon.
This is only true, however, if we incorporate these high-carbon sources into the soil.
I once tilled in some coarse compost containing large amounts of oak leaves not yet
fully decomposed, and found that crops grew quite poorly there the entire season.

However, if high-carbon materials are laid down on top of soil as mulches, there won’t
be any problem. The mulch retains soil moisture and protects against temperature extremes.
Microbes, earthworms and other forms of soil life can “nibble” at the mulch, and slowly
incorporate their residues into the topsoil. Actually, high-carbon mulches are preferable
for weed control to materials that decompose readily, since they persist longer before
being incorporated into the soil food web. (Every gardener who has used mulches knows the
story: You put down a thick layer early in the season, then suddenly one day notice — the
garden ate my mulch!) Even so, it is usually necessary to renew mulches that are in place
for the entire growing season.

It is often recommended to turn manures and composts into the soil, but to reduce tillage
you can apply the manure or compost on the soil surface, and keep it from drying out (hence
degrading) with a thick high-carbon mulch (along the lines of “sheet composting,” described

Grass clippings should not be lost as a resource — shipping them off to the landfill is a
true crime against sustainability. Grass-clippings mulch in paths can be slippery underfoot,
and unpleasant to work on. I prefer to let lawn or pasture grasses grow to 8 to 12 inches,
then cut them with a scythe, rake them up after a couple days of drying, and apply where

An undervalued source of organic matter is the wood fiber in newspapers and cardboard. All
the reading I’ve done on the subject convinces me that modern newsprint in this country,
and cardboard produced in the United States and Europe, do not pose environmental hazards.
When establishing “kill mulches” (mulches over a living grass sod intended to kill it in
preparation for planting trees and shrubs), I lay down a thick layer of newspaper or
cardboard, then cover with leaves, grass cuttings and other organic materials. Wood chips
also make good mulch for some situations, especially for pathways and kill mulches, and
they often are free from tree-trimming services.

7. Use permanent beds and paths.

A key strategy for protecting soil structure is to grow in wide permanent beds and
restrict foot traffic to the pathways — thus avoiding compaction in the growing areas
and to plant as closely as possible in the beds. Close planting shades the soil surface,
which benefits both soil life and plants by conserving moisture and moderating temperature

You also can use paths to grow your mulches, or mulch the paths and take advantage of foot
traffic to help shred or grind materials such as straw or leaves. From time to time, this
finely shredded material can be transferred to the beds, where it will break down much more
readily than in its coarser forms.


8. Try low-tech tillage.

There are almost always better alternatives to tillage, especially power tillage, which
inverts and mixes the different layers in the soil profile, disrupts the soil food web
and breaks down the “crumb” structure we have worked so hard to achieve. Even in the
case of cover crops, which must give way to the planting of a harvest crop, it is not
necessary to turn them into the soil, as usually recommended. Instead, consider these

You can bury the cover crop under a heavy mulch to kill it. If the soil is in loose,
friable condition, it is easy to pull the cover plants up by the roots and lay them
on the bed as mulch. Certain plants such as rye and vetch are difficult to kill
without tillage, but cutting them immediately above the crowns after seed stalks or
flowers form will kill them. Use the upper ends of the plants as a mulch to help
break down the roots more rapidly.

If you have chickens, you can use them to till in your cover crops. They cause some
disruption of soil life, but only in the top couple of inches. The damage they do
cause is quickly repaired, because the birds’ droppings boost soil life.

When it’s necessary to loosen soil at depth — as in a young garden whose soil has
not yet mellowed sufficiently to grow good root crops — I recommend the broad fork,
a hand tool that, like the scythe, makes joyful, all-round use of the body in a
rhythm that becomes a garden meditation. Unlike a power tiller, the broad fork
loosens the soil without inverting the natural soil layers or breaking down the
“crumb” structure of the soil. The broad fork is much easier to use in soil that
is already in fairly good condition — it is not the tool of choice for converting
a tough grass sod over compacted soil to new garden ground.

Does that mean that in this case we are forced to revert to power-driven steel? Not
on my homestead, where once again chicken power comes to the rescue. Normally, I
would rotate the birds onto another plot after a week or so to prevent excessive
wearing of the pasture sod, but in this case “excessive wearing” is exactly what I
want. I use electronet to “park” a flock of chickens on the sod I want to convert
to garden. With their constant scratching, the birds kill and till in the sod. I
remove the birds, grow a mixed cover crop, then return the chickens for another
round of tilling. Now the new ground is ready to start working as garden. Be sure
to note the state of the soil before you start — the changes by the end of the
season will amaze you.

If you don’t have chickens, a no-till way to develop new ground is to lay down a
sheet compost, as previously discussed, which is heavy enough to kill the existing
sod. If you can be generous with watering through the germination phase, you can
start a cover crop in the top layer of the compost, and the roots will greatly
accelerate the breakdown of the mulch. Plant a second cover in the fall. This
strategy works better if you can give the area over completely to soil building
for a full year. If you have to get some production out of the ground the first
season, simply open up holes in the compost and plant (a strategy that works better
with some crops than others).

You can also try using potatoes to do the heavy work for you. Lay your seed potatoes
directly on the sod, and cover with a thick mulch. Renew the mulch as needed to keep
the growing tubers well covered. When it’s time to harvest, simply push the mulch
aside and pick up your spuds. The new garden soil still has a long way to go, but
it’s well on its way.

The only time I do massive tillage in the garden is when digging root crops such as
potatoes, sweet potatoes and burdock. With such crops, I dig deep and thoroughly with
the spading fork — a total disruption of soil structure and inversion/mixing of its
natural layers. My goal, however, is to make such intensive disruptions the rare
exception rather than the rule. That way, the intact soil life communities in
surrounding beds soon help rebuild the soil food web in the disturbed areas.


Start a Compost Pile

To build a compost pile, start by layering organic materials. Alternate more readily
decomposable materials — fresh, high-nitrogen wastes, such as manures, crop residues,
kitchen wastes and weeds — with less decomposable materials — drier, coarser and
high-carbon wastes, such as autumn leaves, straw and corncobs. Microbes feed on all
these materials and break them down into simpler, more stable compounds.

The microbes need water and oxygen, so keep the pile moist, but not sopping wet. As
they break down the organic matter, the microbes generate heat. Make the pile large
enough to retain heat, but not so large that oxygen cannot penetrate to the center,
about 4 feet on each side is a good size. To encourage aeration, mix the coarser
elements throughout the pile to ensure plenty of air space. When the pile cools,
turn the heap — with the outer layers going to the inside and vice versa — to
incorporate more oxygen and generate a new heating cycle. The compost pile may need
to be turned more than once to complete the process.


Life in the Soil

It’s often said that organic material in soil consists of “the living, the recently
dead and the very dead.” This is a helpful way to understand the processes that
shape soil and make it fertile.

The living portion of soil is made up of plant roots, and of the numerous microbes
and other living organisms that improve soil structure by breaking down organic

The recently dead components include deceased soil organisms, green plant material
and fresh manures. They decompose readily, and release nutrients quickly.

The very dead portion is humus, the final residue of organic matter breakdown that’s
important for soil structure and disease suppression.

For fertile soil, all three forms of organic matter should be present at all times.


Pick a Cover Crop

There’s a cover crop for every season, climate and gardening strategy. Here are a few
options to consider.

Fast-growing grain grasses (rye, oats, wheat, barley) are a good choice in early spring.

Cold-hardy legumes, such as peas, can be started in late winter and allowed to grow two
months or longer to precede a warm-weather, heavy-feeding crop, such as winter squash.

Warm-weather legumes, such as soybeans or cowpeas, can fertilize beds that will be planted
to fall crops that need rich soil, such as broccoli or fall-planted garlic and shallots.

For a quick-growing “filler” between spring and fall crops, nothing beats buckwheat, the
“instant cover crop” (30 days from seed to flower.)

For winter, a mix of hairy vetch and rye (cereal rye, the sort of rye used to make bread,
not perennial rye or annual grass rye) is a top choice.

Another good winter cover is a mix of oats and “field pea” or “winter pea” (Pisum arvense,
a close relative of P. sativum, the common garden pea). Both plants are cold-hardy, but
reliably winterkill if the ground freezes in your area. You can leave them in place as
mulch, and make spring transplants right into it.

Try undersowing to grow a food crop and a cover crop together. For example, you can put
Dutch white clover in a bed where you are planting tall crops with a small “footprint”
such as trellised tomatoes or pole beans. The clover comes up fast, establishing a tight
cover that suppresses weeds and retains soil moisture. Since it is low-growing, it does
not interfere with managing or harvesting the taller crops above it.

8 Steps for Making
Better Garden Soil



Related information
about gardening:

82 Sustainable Gardening Tips

Grow Cover Crops for
the Best Garden Soil


Home Composting Made Easy

Restoring Soil Nutrients

Your Garden's
Soil pH Matters


Soil Improvement Tips
for Healthy Garden Soil











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